Tuesday, November 07, 2006


A nice little word... The Oxford Genie reads us the meaning of the word as thus; "A careful examination of our own thoughts, feelings and reasons for behaving in a particular way".

Type I: Some (or is it Most?!) go about life as if it were a roller coaster ride in some magnificent fun park that borders hell and heaven. Quite a few people out there were blessed with a family that bubbled with fun and frolic in their kiddy days... especially those with a couple of brothers and/or sisters. And then because of their in-built extroverted nature (seasoned by the familial culture) really bonds with the people outside, and in their teens with the huge collection of friends, they never find themselves at a loss for ideas to keep life exciting. ..and then sooner than later they find a partner or (if lucky) get married off to an eligible parental find. ..then comes the exploration of new found love, the babies, the jugglery sessions (kids, career, husband/wife, parents, society)!! Now did I hear the I-word in between.. Guess Never.. They never had to...

Type II: And there are some who never had it so good ('good' in a rather conventional sense!). People by an act of fate had solitude as their best companion more often than not. With it comes the excessive obsession for the inquistiveness... Some divert that urge over the outside physical world (as in Why the apple always need to fall down questions!!), others get trapped in probing within themselves (Why do I do what I do?!).. For the latter, it feels more like the head biting its own tail.. tremendous amount of energy diverted into oneself... mind always on turmoil, trying to catch itself in the act and to pin it down thread-bare; a narcissistic trap!!

It is widely accepted that neither of the above two types symbolise a way of life.. Type I moves on unmindful of what runs their life and Type II moves always wondering why he/she is being made to run this-way/that-way in life. Type 1 definitely should be leading a less stressful life, unless one day (if at all that happens; say maybe in the older age?!) the life suddenly decides to stop pushing, and he/she has to make the moves by themselves (maybe a situation to explain one's existence and the worth of the lived life and probably even the current direction?!) ... and the Type II as he/she is always bent on answers, would have definitely become a master of the boat as time moves, but may end up wondering what was all that for; afterall a trained captain (Him or probably the auto-mechanism He has installed in this life!?!) was anyways available in the ship called life?!! Ha... alas... Is really a mid path between the above two personalities the real answer, as the umpteen self-help authors would vouch for so vociferously?! Or is it more of a matter of choice, something that suits the deeper urges of an individual (again a product of one's circumstances or is it an outcome of the so-popular celestial juxtaposition at the time of birth?!) ?!

Well, here I wait for time to tell...

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